Minimally Invasive Surgery Opens New Treatment Possibilities
Minimally invasive spinal surgery is comprised of procedures that employ innovative technology and techniques with evidence-based medicine to provide alternative therapies to relieve pain and restricted mobility caused by spinal problems. These procedures are called minimally invasive because the incisions are typically small, and the operation does not cause undue injury to surrounding soft tissue. Minimally invasive surgery is performed with computer-assisted technology including computer navigation, nerve monitoring, and highly specialized tools and instrumentation. These spinal surgery procedures can be used to treat many other common spinal problems. Benefits over traditional surgery include less post-operative pain, faster recovery time, decreased blood loss, less scarring, smaller incisions, less damage to soft tissue, and improved function.
Finding out if Minimally Invasive Surgery is Right for You
Spinal conditions and disorders that can be treated with minimally invasive spine surgery include lumbar (lower back) pain, cervical (neck) pain, sciatica, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, degenerative disc disease, spinal fractures, infections, and tumors of the spine. Common minimally invasive techniques include tubular microdiscectomy, where a damaged intervertebral disc is removed, lumbar laminectomy, where a portion of the lamina, the bone that protects the spinal canal, is trimmed, cervical laminoforaminotomy, and endoscopic discectomy.
A facility with board certified spine surgeons who have experience with minimally invasive and traditional spinal surgery can help patients make ducated decisions about their treatment. The board certified orthopedic spine surgeon at New Jersey Spine Specialists have extensive experience performing minimally invasive back surgery for patients from New Providence, Madison, Millburn, Florham Park and, Westfield, across Union, Morris and Essex Counties, and throughout northern New Jersey. With our renowned staff and state-of-the-art equipment, patients from around the country also make New Jersey Spine Specialists their destination for the best in advanced spinal care. Please schedule a consultation with our spine specialists near you to learn more about the treatment options that are available, and which are best for you.

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