Eliminate Neck Pain With Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery

Neck pain is debilitating, preventing you from enjoying an active and vibrant life. Depending on your underlying condition and other factors, patients may consider cervical spinal fusion surgery. During a cervical spinal fusion, the damaged intervertebral discs are removed and replaced with bone grafts and the vertebrae are fused together using metal hardware. But a superior solution we recommend is cervical disc replacement surgery.

Disc replacement surgery completely replaces a damaged or dysfunctional intervertebral disc in the spine. Post-surgical outcomes after disc replacement are superior to decompression and cervical fusion.

Why Patients Choose Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery

Cervical disc replacements relieve pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots by removing the diseased discs. By choosing cervical disc replacement surgery, patients can enjoy benefits including:

  • Faster recovery
  • Reduced postoperative pain and pain medication
  • Lower risk of infection
  • Smaller incision(s)
  • Lower risk of muscle and soft-tissue damage

When conservative care alternatives fail to relieve symptoms, our award-winning, board-certified surgeons at NJSS offer proven, evidence-based surgical options.

Cervical Disc Replacement Surgery At New Jersey Spine Specialists

The board-certified orthopedic spine surgeons at New Jersey Spine Specialists have the training, expertise, and experience to assess, diagnose, and treat your injury or condition individually to your needs. Our team of board-certified spine surgeons offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical treatment options for degenerative disc disease, including cervical disc replacement.

The board-certified orthopedic spine surgeons at New Jersey Spine Specialists have the training, expertise, and experience to assess, diagnose, and treat your injury or condition individually to your needs.

Our team offers a variety of surgical and non-surgical treatment options for degenerative disc disease, including cervical disc replacement.

To learn more, fill out the form below or call (908) 376-1538.

If you would like to learn more about cervical disc replacement surgery at New Jersey Spine Specialists, fill out the form or dial (908) 376-1538 find out if you are a candidate.

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