Laser Spine Institute Cost in New Jersey

Spine experts list lower back pain as a rampant medical condition afflicting many Americans today. When the spine becomes rigid and fragile, chronic or acute pain may sometimes disperse throughout the spine. In some cases, this excruciating pain can limit function and mobility, and even lower an individual’s quality of life. Luckily, patients need not suffer any longer. Seasoned spine surgeons in New Jersey can administer treatments for lower back pain stemming from agonizing conditions such as herniated discs, sciatica and more!

What is Laser Spine Surgery?

Across the country, many laser spine institutes offer ‘laser’ spine surgery for patients suffering from crippling back pain. When patients hear the word ‘laser,’ they assume this procedure is futuristic, cutting-edge, and the solution to their pain. But many laser spine institutes lack board-certified spine surgeons and, in turn, aggressively market the appealing phrase to patients desperately seeking pain relief.

In reality, most skilled spine surgeons favor minimally invasive surgery whenever possible. When non-surgical methods fail at alleviating back pain, spine specialists will turn to surgical treatments to combat the problem. Some approaches that spine surgeons utilize instead of laser spine surgery include:

  • Microdiscectomy: This minimally invasive procedure allows spine surgeons to remove the portion of the disc causing pressure on the nerve.
  • Cervical Disc Replacement: Spine surgeons remove the herniated disc through the front of the neck before placing of a synthetic device that replicates the normal disc motion.
  • Lumbar Laminectomy: This procedure relieves the pressure from pinched nerves, and treats conditions like spinal stenosis and herniated discs.

Regardless of the surgical approach, the goal of each treatment option is to eliminate symptoms brought on by severe back pain rather than deceive patients with marketing ploys.

The Costs Of Laser Spine Institutes In New Jersey Without Health Insurance

While health insurance can help lessen the financial burden, insurance policies can become confusing when defining coverage. Some types of health insurance don’t even cover the expensive costs of laser spine institute! Depending on the policy, patients may pay more out-of-pocket expenses for laser spine surgery.

When deciding to undergo surgery, patients expect a transparent estimate for the cost of laser spine institutes. Since patients experience different spine conditions, calculating expenses must be on a personalized basis. Before committing to surgery, patients should consult with a trusted spine surgeon to better understand any hidden fees.

More intense spinal treatments requiring a hospital stay will cost more money, whereas minimally invasive procedures typically cost less and have a quicker recovery period. Moreover, many patients often neglect to factor in hidden fees when considering the cost of laser spine institutes in New Jersey. These obscure expenses include:

  • Clinic or Facility Fees
  • Medication
  • Back Braces
  • Travel Time
  • Lost wages from work
  • Fees charged by anesthesiologist or neurophysiologists

While some of these medical expenses cannot be avoided, a patient’s recovery time can ultimately reduce their bill.

Is The Cost of Laser Spine Institutes in NJ Worth It?

Surprisingly, few trials demonstrate the benefit of laser spine surgery. Lasers can actually generate excessive heat that can damage sensitive nerve tissues in the spine. Luckily, patients no longer have to fall victim to the misleading marketing tactics that many laser spine institutes deploy. Spine surgeons now offer many new, less invasive surgical options that allow for safe and proper treatment of spinal problems. Instead of worrying about the cost of laser spine institutes, patients in New Jersey can opt for superior procedures, which minimize tissue damage and allow for a quicker recovery period.

The devoted staff at New Jersey Spine Specialists will work with patients and their health insurance providers to keep out-of-pocket costs as low as possible. Before scheduling surgery at a laser spine institute, perform an Internet search to learn about failed laser spine surgery. By understanding these shortcomings, you can focus on spine procedures that offer superior results rather than struggling to pay for the exorbitant cost of laser spine surgery.

Do you have crippling back pain? We’re here to help! Contact the renowned, board-certified spine surgeons at New Jersey Spine Specialists by dialing (908) 738-1679 today!

“I am pain free, walking and well on my way to recovery thanks to the help of New Jersey Spine Specialists” —Robert K

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    I am pain free, walking and well on my way to recovery thanks to the help of New Jersey Spine Specialists” –

    Robert K